My f*ck, DA!


Every now and then in politics all you can do is throw your hands up in the air. Remember the reaction of Marelize's mum after her daughter cycled into the rugby posts? Well, that is how I felt this week about all the DA's shenanigans.

And I'm not the only one who feels that way. After I sent Helen Zille's announcement that she would contest the position of DA federal chairperson to a WhatsApp group of asset managers and bankers, I got numerous exasperated texts back: "I give up!", "Watch their support fall some more", "To be fair, it can't be much worse than it already is" and "DA is in such a mess." Some sent emoticons swearing or laughing out loud.

What should concern the DA is that most of these reactions came from people who would have supported and donated money towards it in the past. It is extraordinary that a party that was given opportunities galore on an ANC plate, could self destruct to the extent that it has…