Melanie Verwoerd

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When trying to spin the impossible ties you into a knot – On Pule Mabe and the ANC

I talk at the TV. So there. I'm a TV talker, sometimes a TV shouter. I admit it. Not all the time – just during political interviews.

I'll also admit that on rare occasions I catch myself feeling sorry for a political party spokesperson. After all, the art of spinning away your party's idiotic decisions is not always easy.

Watching a nervous Pule Mabe on Friday morning on SABC's Morning Live was almost such an occasion. As spokesperson, he was there to talk about the various issues in the ANC. (See why I almost felt sorry for him?)

First up was the issue of Bongani Bongo, the former state security minister who had been arrested the previous day by the Hawks on charges of corruption. "He remains innocent and he continues to be a member of the NEC," said Mabe. "It is only fair that as a law abiding citizen, he is afforded the space to be able to deal with issues where they will be taking place [i.e. in open court]."

"OK, a few issues there, but it is the predictable innocent-until-proven-guilty answer that the ANC uses when their members are in trouble with the law," I thought while sipping my morning coffee.

Then the issue of Bathabile Dlamini was raised. Now I was paying attention…