Melanie Verwoerd

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Our response to the Springbok victory shows we're more united than divided

I wasn't going to write about the rugby. After all, what can be possibly be said that has not been said already? Then a day ago, I got a text from a friend. "Please write about how we keep the spirit of RWC 2019 alive?" he pleaded.

This friend of mine has been particularly gloomy about South Africa's future. He is also a big rugby fan. Three days after the final he was still tearing up when talking about the match.

I have to admit I also shed more than a few tears on the day. I thought back to 1995. I was a member of Parliament then. On the day of the opening match in Cape Town, we had a morning session in the National Assembly. Frene Ginwala was in the Speaker's chair. As it got closer to lunch time, it suddenly became apparent that there was not a single man left in the House. In fact, I don't think there was a single man in the precinct. If ever there was a time for the women to launch a coup that would have been it.