Worried about SA? These entrepreneurs will give you hope


A wave of negativity has spread over South Africa. Everywhere I go, people talk about how bad things are, what the future (if there is a future) holds and why emigration seems to be a good idea. "There is nothing good anymore to get excited about," one businessman told me recently.

Well, there is – more than you think. Let me tell you of one good news story. Fin24 recently reported on a prestigious international prize that the makers of The Duchess non-alcoholic gin and tonic won.

I know the founder and managing director of the company, Johannes le Roux. I'll embarrass him by acknowledging that I have known him since he was 4 years old. Johannes always had plans. Even in primary school, when the other kids were running around on the beach, he would sit with me and discuss his business ideas.

At the age of 25 he came up with the idea…