Trump, Zuma, and Magashule, and the Politics of Narcissism


Narcissism (definition): selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, as characterizing a personality type. Typical characteristics:  self-absorbed, entitled, callous, exploitative, authoritarian, and aggressive.

Case study #1: Donald Trump

It has been two weeks and “hardworking” Donald Trump (from his golf course) continues to deny that he has lost the election in the United States. Despite Joe Biden’s resounding victory (almost identical to Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016) Trump still peddles the lie that he has won “BY FAR”. He has no concrete evidence to back up his victory or the fact that the election was stolen. His basic argument: “It is impossible for me to have lost. l am Donald Trump after all.”

 Case study #2: Ace Magashule

This week finally saw the arrest and court appearance of Ace Magashule. Of course, any politically informed person knew this was inevitable. In fact, even Ace told the press it was coming.  Despite 21 charges of corruption and fraud against him, Magashule wants us to believe that his arrest is politically motivated and that he is the victim of a campaign against him. Like Trump, he can’t provide any evidence. Instead, he and his little choir of less than moral upstanding supporters indignantly protest that he is Ace Magashule, after all, not someone who belongs in court (or jail).

Case study #3: Jacob Zuma

On Monday, former President Zuma tried to get Judge Zondo to recuse himself. In a move that smacks of desperation, he unconvincingly alleged that there was a personal relationship between him and Justice Zondo. Not that they braaied or drank together every weekend. No, he bases his objections on the fact that decades ago Zondo fathered a child with a sister of an estranged wife of Zuma. (I would guess that the probability of someone related to one of Zuma’s wives having a link with any judge in South Africa, would be quite high). But of course, that is not the real reason Zuma is putting up a fight. Zuma is annoyed – pissed off – that he, Jacob Zuma, has to sit there and answer questions. I mean he is Jacob Zuma after all. How dare they?

There is something all three of these men will find out soon: No matter who you are, no matter how rich you are, no matter how much you like to bully people, the system is bigger than you. You will lose.  

Trump. Like a toddler who doesn’t want to share his toys, he won’t allow Biden to start the transition process. Even though this is a legal requirement, he might try and throw this temper tantrum for the next few months. However, come January 20th at noon, that will stop – no matter what. Airforce One will not allow him on board unless Biden invites him. The drivers of the Beast (the official vehicle) will order him an Uber if he tries to climb in. He will no longer have access to the Oval Office or the White House. Staff will pack his furniture and clothes – so that by the time the inaugural ceremony is over, there will no longer be any trace of Trump’s occupancy in the office or residence.  

This is how the system works – even when you are one of the richest men in the world. It is one of the cruel truths of politics - no one is bigger than the system or political party – not even when your surname is Trump, Magashule, or Zuma. 

Of course Magashule knows it. On Monday he said outside the court: “Comrades, I’m nothing without the ANC” echoing earlier words of Zuma. This of course explains their desperate attempts to cast doubt on the judicial processes that they now have to account to.  

It won’t work. Even if Judge Zondo recuses himself, Zuma would have to answer the same questions albeit in front of another judge. No matter how many supporters Magashule incentives to march and protest in support of him, he will still have to face the might of the law – and ultimately the massive machinery of the ANC.  

Of course they will make a lot of noise in the interim. But that is all it will be - noise. All three men’s time is running out.  

If they had any sense of history and care for their legacies, they would step aside and show their respect for a system infinitely more powerful than them.  

But of course they won’t.